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The Apprentice Market Garden at Sprouting Farms
Address: 4661 SR 3 & 12 Talcott, WV, 24981
Phone: 681-299-1041
About Us
We are a group of farm business apprentices learning how to farm produce at a small scale for profit. We are part of an instructional program at Sprouting Farms, in Talcott, WV to learn how to successfully launch a farm business. The Apprentice Market Garden is our project. We have a 100' x 30' high-tunnel where we produce fruits and veggies year-round for retail sale. All proceeds generated in the Market Garden go right back into our education programming for future apprentice cohorts.
We utilize ONLY organic and/or regenerative practices for all of our specialty crops. We are not only offering consciously grown produce, but products that have been produced with love and learning. We put our hearts and minds into providing a top-notch fruit and vegetable from our Market Garden to your kitchen.

Thank you for choosing us to provide nutrient dense foods to you and your families, as we move along our farming journey.